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Všetko o suši - japonské národné jedlo

Sushi (japanese: 寿司,鮨,鮓,すし) 

is a traditional Japanese food consisting of rice flavored with vinegar sauce and various raw or cooked ingredients.

The Japanese original meaning of the Japanese word sushi was light rice dish and this definition over time became more specific to mean a combination of vinegar flavored rice (japanese: 寿司飯,すしめし sushi meshi - sushi rice) with other ingredients(japanese literally: ねた neta - material).

The most known known ingredients to accompany the rice are raw fish such as salmon or tuna, fish roe, seafood such as shrimp, octopus, calamari or crab, as well as vegetables like cucumber, carrots, avocado, or even tofu, mushrooms or egg omelet.

Other than rice and fish or vegetables, a third ingredient is sometimes used, this being slices of the nori seaweed (japanese: 海苔,のり).

Sushi is also served with ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Small restaurants that specialize in sushi in Japan are called sushija (japanese: 寿司屋,寿司や).


  • NIGIRI SUSHI (japanese: 握り寿司 - hand-pressed sushi) are made of rice pressed into an oval between the fingers, with a slice of one of the various secondary ingredients placed on top. Except for exceptions where the ingredient needs to be “tied to” the roll with a thin slice of seaweed, it is not used in this type.
  • MAKI SUSHI (japanese: 巻き寿司 - packed sushi) are rolls of rice with a diameter of roughly 4 cm, made by creating a longer roll with the secondary ingredient in the middle and covered from the outside by seaweed. Such a roll is then sliced into 3 or more maki rolls.
  • FUTOMAKI (japanese: 太巻き - thick maki) are similar to normal maki, but they use more ingredients in the center which makes them larger as a result, around 6 cm in diameter.
  • HOSOKOMAKI (japanese: 細巻き - thin maki) are the opposite, being smaller with roughly a 2 cm diameter.
  • GUNKAN-MAKI (japanese: 軍艦巻 - battleship maki) are a halfway between nigiri and maki, consisting of an oval of rice with ingredients on top, but kept in place by a layer of nori surrounding the roll and reaching higher than the rice does, like a railing on a ship. This space is then usually filled with ingredients that are very small, like salmon roe.
  • TEMAKI (japanese: 手巻き - handheld maki) consist of a slice of nori seaweed rolled into a conical shape, filled with rice and many other ingredients. These are fairly large and therefore are the only type of sushi eaten by hand.
  • INARI SUSHI (japanese: 稲荷寿司 - filled sushi) are deep fried pockets filled with rice and ingredients. They are most often made of tofu, but can also be made of egg omelet or pumpkin.

Source: wikipedia.

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