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Dear customers, we would like to inform you that Matcha tea SHAN WAI SHAN 80g has been withdrawn from circulation. We ask you not to use it any further and return the original packaging of the product to the store. Thank you for your understanding.


Herbs in Asian cuisine Asian cuisine is known not only for its rich palette of tastes and aromas, but also for the use of various herbs and spices that add their unique properties to the dishes.

These herbs are not only culinary flavors, but also have various beneficial effects on health. In this article, we will look at some of these herbs and their effects, which are a common part of Asian cuisine.


In our Foodland blog, we share with you all the tips and tricks.There are several categories: How to do it, herbs and their effects, how to eat, about spices, you should know. In the blog section you will find topics related to the correct use of chopsticks, how to eat sushi properly, the effectiveness of various herbs or the use of rice paper, you will find it all in this section full of information. Enjoy reading.


Indian cuisine is colorful and diverse Indian cuisine - Fascinating and diverse

Indian cuisine is one of the most fascinating and diverse cuisines in the world. It is a gastronomic world that enchants not only the taste buds, but also the senses, history and culture. With colorful colors, aromas and a range of tastes, Indian cuisine offers a unique experience that will not be forgotten.


odkial pochadza jazminova ryzaJazmínová ryža je obľúbenou prísadou v mnohých svetových kuchyniach.

Tento druh ryže je známy svojou jemnou arómou a lahodnou chuťou, ktorá dokáže spríjemniť mnohé jedlá. V tradičnej ázijskej kuchyni sa jazmínová ryža často využíva pri príprave rôznych pokrmov, ako je sushi,
thajské curry, alebo pokrmy s omáčkou. Máte záujem o to, ako môžete túto špecifickú ryžu využiť vo vašich vlastných kuchárskych experimentoch?

Čítajte ďalej!


Filipino Adobo chicken Philippine cuisine is a vibrant and diverse culinary landscape that reflects the country's rich history, culture and geography. Here are some key aspects of Filipino cuisine:

Influences: Filipino cuisine is a mix of influences from different cultures, including Spanish, Chinese, Malay, Indian and American. These influences have contributed to the unique flavors and cooking techniques found in Filipino foods.

Ingredients: Filipino cuisine uses a wide variety of ingredients, including tropical fruits, seafood, rice, meat (such as pork, chicken, and beef), and various herbs and spices. Common ingredients are garlic, onion, ginger, vinegar, soy sauce and fish sauce.


Discover the rich history of Asian delicacies! Explore their origins and unique flavors.


mochi madness Mochi - an adorable, gooey and sweet Japanese snack that has stolen the hearts of dessert lovers around the world.

But what makes these little rice cakes as addictive as the latest episode of your favorite Netflix series?

Let's dive together into the sticky, sweet world of mochi and uncover the secret of its worldwide popularity.


Asian specialties with eggs Asian cuisine! It is a diverse world full of tastes, smells and colors, where history, tradition and creativity meet. And eggs? They are a real gem that adds the right flavor and texture to many Asian specialties.

Asian egg specialties are more than just food. They are ways to get to know a new culture and its traditions. They are dishes that open the door to a world full of flavors, where every bite is a new adventure. Eggs are the real star of Asian cuisine, a symbol of simplicity and at the same time endless variations that can turn any dish into a small work of art.


Welcome, noodle enthusiasts and culinary adventurers! If you're ready to elevate your kitchen game and dive into the whimsical world of rice noodles, then, my friend, you've come to the right place. Let's embark on this epicurean escapade together, one twirl at a time!


instant noodles with vegetables on a white plate with white and gold cutlery, with the Foodland logo and the article title Read our best instant noodle recipes and learn how to make a fantastic meal in minutes.

Instant noodles may seem like a simple snacking wizard, but thanks to their quick preparation, they are becoming a very popular dish. In this article, we will introduce you to our most popular instant noodle recipes that will allow you to create an extraordinary meal in minutes.


introduction to kimchi Kimchi, a cult Korean delicacy, is not only a lively and tasty addition to any meal, but also a superfood full of nutrients.

Whether you're a fan of bold and spicy flavors or prefer a milder flavor, the possibilities are endless when experimenting with kimchi. In this article, we will focus on simple and tasty recipes that will allow you to develop culinary creativity and at the same time enjoy the unique taste of kimchi.


Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year or Tet in Vietnam, is one of the most important holidays in Asia.

The celebrations of this holiday are full of colors, sounds, smells and traditions that reflect deep historical and cultural roots. Each year comes with different elements, but some basic traditions are maintained throughout the centuries. In this article, we will bring you a little closer to this colorful and fascinating celebration.


How to properly prepare and serve traditional Asian teas? Learn how to prepare traditional Asian teas with their rich history and culture in mind. Discover the right techniques and customs.

Traditional Asian teas have a rich history and cultural value. The preparation of these teas varies according to their type, but there are some common procedures.

When preparing traditional Asian teas, it is important to pay attention to the correct amount of tea leaves and the temperature of the water. Different types of tea require different approach and timing. Some traditional Asian teas may also be served with special ceremonies that add additional importance and charm to them.


foods rich in protein Nature provides some exceptional foods that are rich in protein and can have a positive impact on your lifestyle.

These foods not only supply your body with essential amino acids, but also contribute to increased satiety, faster metabolism and recovery of muscle tissue. If you're looking for a healthy and balanced diet, it's important to include these top 9 protein-rich foods in your diet.


Shoulder image for cold days

In winter, food is an important part of staying warm and enjoying yourself. And when the freezing weather arrives, there's nothing better than warming up with a delicious bowl of ramen. Ramen is a dish that has everything you need in it to make you feel comfy and warm, perfectly filled by you stomach.

This Japanese speciality consists of broth, mixed vegetables, meat or seafood and, of course, ramen noodles. It's a simple dish that can warm not only the body but also the soul with its taste and temperature.


Why eat foods rich in iron? blog articleHave you ever stopped and thought about why it's so important to eat iron-rich foods? You may have heard of iron, but we don't always realise what an important role it plays in our bodies.

Iron is essential for our bodies to produce red blood cells and deliver oxygen to our tissues. Without enough iron, our bodies can suffer from a lack of oxygen and fatigue, weakness and other health problems can occur.

In this article, you will learn more about the unique benefits of eating foods high in iron. You'll discover how iron helps strengthen the immune system, regulate energy, promote healthy growth and development, and protect against iron deficiency.


Asian cuisine is known not only for its rich flavours and varied ingredients, but also for its potential health  benefits.

If you want to lower your cholesterol levels, there are several Asian foods that can support you on the  road to a healthier heart. Asian cuisine offers a wide range of cholesterol-lowering options - from green leaf  and soy dishes to seafood and fiber-rich grains. 



Eat sushi with Master Naomichi Yasuda

Directly from Tokyo's chef Naomichi Yasuda, Munch provides guidance on how to eat sushi. You were doing it wrong.


  • It is okay to eat sushi with only your hands
  • Do not mix ginger and sushi or ginger and soy sauce. Ginger is supposed to be used to clear your palate between each portion.
  • When dipping sushi in soy sauce, turn it with the fish facing downwards.
  • Never shake the sauce off of sushi, it's likened to shaking your penis in public.



Nem cuon Viet nam Vietnamese cuisine is like a colorful palette of flavor explosions that includes exotic ingredients and unique combinations that make it one of the most admired in the world.

Here's a look at some of the best and tastiest foods to tantalize your taste buds:


For the novice, it can be so delicious bowl of Pho, and also intimidating when you combine all the different cuts of meat, spices and essential cooking ingredients in a single meal. Fortunately Vincent and Mikey Kha, a pair of father and son who run Pho & Cafe Anh Hong in Upper Darby, PA teach you all how to do it.

From then on what to look for when tasting to choosing the right sauces, learn quickly all you need to know from these PHO experts.




The best Asian food in Bratislava: where to find themThere is a growing interest in Asian cuisine in Bratislava and local restaurants are ready to satisfy this craving. But where can you find the best Asian cuisine in Bratislava?

If you're craving an authentic experience and a captivating flavour palette, you don't have to look far. This article will help you find the best Asian food in Bratislava.


image for an article about Vietnamese teaStep into the enchanting world of Vietnamese green tea, where tradition and flavor come together in a mesmerizing blend.

From the misty mountainous regions to centuries-old cultivation techniques, the art of Vietnamese green tea is a journey steeped in rich cultural heritage and unparalleled taste. Discover the delicate balance of sweetness, astringency, and the earthy, floral notes that define this cherished beverage.


guides to traditional Chinese recipes Chinese cuisine is known for its unique flavors and traditional recipes, which are often decorated with rich colors and exotic ingredients.

If you want to dive into the secrets of this fascinating cuisine, we have great news for you! Our guide will introduce you to the world of traditional Chinese recipes and teach you how to prepare some of the most popular dishes.


obrazok k článku Ryžová revolúciaTaste buds worldwide, prepare for a rice revolution like no other! In the ever-evolving culinary landscape, rice remains a staple that captivates and entices.

As we approach 2023, a handful of rice varieties are set to emerge as the crème de la crème, captivating the hearts and palates of food enthusiasts across the globe.


introductory image to the blog article: How to prepare Dim Sum? Dim sum, a traditional Cantonese cuisine consisting of bite-sized dishes usually served with tea, has won the hearts and palates of food lovers around the world.

Originating in the teahouses of China's Guangdong province, this centuries-old culinary tradition has since evolved into a diverse and vibrant gastronomic journey enjoyed by many.

Now European home cooks can experience the art of dim sum making for themselves and take part in an exciting culinary adventure that combines tradition with innovation.

At Foodland, we strive to provide aspiring dim sum chefs with the tools and knowledge needed to prepare these tasty treats in their own kitchen. Our comprehensive guide to dim sum for European home cooks explores the fascinating history and culture of dim sum, introduces essential ingredients and equipment, and provides step-by-step instructions for popular dim sum recipes.


introductory image - Discover the art of Asian dumplings in your European kitchen Asian dumplings in all their variety have their favorite place in the hearts of food lovers around the world.

The combination of spicy fillings and intricate folds wrapped in a delicate wrapper creates small packages of pure culinary joy. Vegetarian or meaty, fried or steamed, these tasty morsels are an essential aspect of Asian cuisine that European culinary enthusiasts can easily replicate in their own kitchens.


Fight high blood pressure the tasty way Asian foods to the rescue! Hello, foodies and health lovers! 🍲 If you or your loved ones suffer from high blood pressure, it's time to go on a tasty journey through Asian cuisine.

It turned out that many foods and ingredients from this corner of the world are not only extremely tasty, but also heroes in the fight against hypertension. Let's dive into it!


The velvety foliage changes its greenish hues on a scale of red, orange and brown. The sunny days are gradually getting shorter and the temperatures are getting cooler at night. Yes, fall is on its way, and with it comes ginger season.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is a spice with a distinct taste and many remarkable properties. This plant comes from Asia and has been used not only in the culinary arts, but also in traditional medicine for millennia. The association of ginger with the arrival of autumn makes sense, as its effects can be particularly beneficial during this season.


ako priprait domace tempura sushiSte vyznávačom japonskej kuchyne a chceli by ste sa naučiť pripraviť tempuru sushi doma? V tom prípade ste na správnom mieste!

V našom článku vám predstavíme jednoduché inštrukcie a tajomstvá od odborníkov, ako pripraviť domáce tempuru sushi. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste začiatočník alebo skúsený kuchár, tieto tipy vám pomôžu dosiahnuť dokonalosť v príprave tejto obľúbenej japonskej pokrmy.

Tempuru sushi je kombináciou krehkého tempury a čerstvého sushi, čo vytvára jedinečnú chuťovú exploziu. V článku sa dozviete, ako správne nasiaknuť ryžové plátky, ako pripraviť tempuru cesto a aké plnky sa najlepšie hodia pre tieto rolky. Okrem toho vám odborníci zdieľajú triky a tipy, ako dosiahnuť dokonalú konzistenciu a chuť.

Takže neváhajte a začnite si pripravovať svoje vlastné tempuru sushi doma. Nenechajte si ujsť túto príležitosť zažiť japonskú kuchyňu priamo vo vašej kuchyni!


Banana salad rice crackers and nuoc chamVietnamese cuisine (Vietnamese Ẩm thực Việt Nam) is an important part of Vietnamese culture. Food is an opportunity for Vietnamese to spend time with their family and is a major element of celebrations and weddings.

The main ingredients used in Vietnamese cuisine reflect the location of the country and the local climate. Rice, which is grown in water fields throughout the country, is part of everyday meals and also produces various types of noodles and cakes. In addition to a number of Buddhist vegetarian dishes, Vietnamese dishes are combinations of different vegetables, herbs and meat. The preparations are prepared in many ways, such as cooking, stewing or roasting. The aim of the chefs is to preserve the freshest and most natural flavors of the food. Vietnamese cuisine is often considered one of the healthiest in the world.

Vietnamese cuisine is guided by the philosophies of the five elements in five basic flavors: bitter (iron), sour (wood), spicy (fire), salty (water) and sweet (earth). Each Vietnamese dish has its own taste that reflects one or more of these elements.


Singapure Hainan ChickenSingapore - a small island state in Southeast Asia, is known not only for its modern and cosmopolitan character, but also for its diverse and delicious cuisine.

Singaporean cuisine is a unique blend of culinary influences from different parts of the world, making it one of the most interesting and delicious cuisines in the world.  


Tom yum kung thai cuisine Thai cuisine is more than just food; it's an experience that appeals to all the senses. From spicy curries and fresh salads to rich sauces and sweet desserts, Thai cuisine has something for everyone.

Taste of Thailand right at your home

Forget about expensive restaurants and the endless search for the right ingredients. At you will find everything you need to prepare authentic Thai dishes right in the comfort of your home. We select only the highest quality products for you, which we bring directly from local Thai suppliers.


Japanese cuisine is known all over the world for its unique combination of flavors, healthy ingredients and high-quality processing.

Japanese cuisine is not limited to sushi and sashimi, although these dishes are the most famous, but includes a whole range of other delicious dishes. Here is an overview of some of the main aspects of Japanese cuisine:


Korean cuisine Korean cuisine, known for its rich flavor palette and distinctive dishes, offers a unique glimpse into Korea's history and culture.

Stretching back to the period of the Three Kingdoms from 57 BCE to 668 CE, this cuisine has evolved into its present form with significant influences from various historical events.


Nasi LemakIf you've ever yearned to taste exotic flavors while playing with various spices and ingredients, Malaysian cuisine is the perfect choice. This culinary tradition from a country rich in culture and history brings a blend of lightness, spice, and harmonious flavors to the table.

A Brief Look at Malaysian Cuisine

Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia, boasts a rich culinary history influenced by various cultures, including Malay, Chinese, Indian, and Thai influences. This diversity is reflected in dishes that are full of contrasts – sweet, spicy, sour, and salty.


Embark on an Asian Cooking Journey: A Comprehensive Guide for European Home CooksAsian cuisine has long captivated Europeans with its incredible array of flavours, ingredients, and cooking techniques. With growing interest in authentic culinary experiences, many home cooks are venturing beyond their familiar confines and dipping their forks into the seemingly endless world of Asian gastronomy.

At Foodland, our passion for all things Asian food drives our commitment to making this exciting culinary landscape accessible to European home cooks, bridging the gap between inspiration and execution with a bounty of high-quality ingredients and expert advice.


intro image for blog article with article title

Asia, a land of diverse cultures, colours, and flavours, has given birth to an array of soul-stirring soups and broths that warm the heart and nourish the soul. These comforting concoctions, integral to the cuisine of each region, are the epitome of culinary comfort and embody the essence of Asian fare.

For Europeans intrigued by these enchanting potions, recreating these vibrant broths and soups at home may seem quite challenging. Fear not; for with the right guidance, ingredients, and techniques, you too can create delightful bowls of liquid gold as indulgent and satisfying as those served in your favourite Asian eateries.

Foodland, your trusted one-stop-shop for sourcing the finest Asian food products, is dedicated to making the world of Asian gastronomy accessible and enjoyable for Europeans. With our wide variety of products and commitment to sharing our knowledge, we strive to become your culinary companion as you explore popular and lesser-known broths and soups from regions such as Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and China.

Together, let us embark on a culinary adventure to celebrate the rich heritage of Asian soups and broths, and bring the warmth and comfort of these delightful creations into your European home, one slurp at a time.


The best guide to preparing a delicious and tasty black pepper sauce

Are you ready to take your culinary skills to the next level? Look no further than this recipe for the most delicious black pepper sauce you've ever tasted. Whether you are an experienced cook or a novice in the kitchen, thanks to this step-by-step guide you will create a delicious sauce that will impress even the most demanding taste buds.

We will advise you from choosing the freshest ingredients to mastering the perfect balance of flavors. Get ready to bring out the foodie in you as we delve into the secrets of creating a sauce that's rich, bold and bursting with fragrant black pepper. Whether you're planning a special dinner for friends or simply want to spice up your weeknight meals, this recipe will become your favorite. So grab an apron and come cook!


Foodland_Asian Stir-fry made easy

For European home cooks seeking the perfect blend of convenience, fantastic flavour, and health-conscious ingredients, the versatile Asian stir-fry has become a popular choice for satisfying meals.

At Foodland, our blog content strategy aims to empower you with the knowledge and culinary skills necessary to create delectable Asian one-wok wonders in the comfort of your home kitchen.

With a selection of easy-to-follow stir-fry recipes inspired by an array of Asian cuisines such as Chinese, Thai, Japanese, and Vietnamese, our blog series will give you the confidence to whip up effortless, home-cooked Asian meals packed with nutritious vegetables, perfectly cooked proteins, and bold flavours.

Our blog content will delve into the essential components of Asian stir-fries, featuring step-by-step guides covering various cooking techniques, versatile sauces, and high-quality, exotic ingredients available at Foodland.


introductory image to a blog article about Asian desserts For many European food lovers, the world of Asian desserts is an exotic and tempting escape, full of irresistible flavors, textures and colors just waiting to be savoured.

In keeping with our passion for all things culinary, Foodland has carefully crafted a blog content strategy to introduce European home bakers to the breathtaking variety and depth of Asian dessert traditions.

From fragrant Indian sweets to succulent Japanese mochi and everything in between, our blog series takes you step-by-step through a delightful selection of authentic Asian dessert recipes guaranteed to expand your baking repertoire and tantalize your taste buds.

Our blog content will serve as a comprehensive resource for ambitious Asian dessert enthusiasts, revealing the basic techniques and essential ingredients that form the basis of these delectable treats. Our goal is to make the process of creating homemade Asian desserts more pleasant and easier for European home bakers through practical advice, simple recipes and expert insights. Discover unique flavors, textures and presentation styles and find inspiration to experiment with unfamiliar ingredients such as matcha powder, red bean paste and pandan leaves, readily available at Foodland retail and online stores.

By sharing our deep knowledge and unbridled enthusiasm for these delicious Asian creations, we hope to inspire European home bakers to delve deeper into the myriad joys of Asian dessert making. With a pinch of curiosity and a dash of determination, you'll soon be delving into the rich, enchanting world of Asian sweets and wowing friends and family with your newfound mastery of these exotic confections. Foodland is here to help you unleash your inner dessert chef and transform simple ingredients into captivating, ambrosial treasures that embody the very essence of Asian dessert art.


picture with articel titleFood can transcend geographical and cultural boundaries, bringing people closer together through shared culinary experiences and stories. With globalisation and the rapid exchange of ideas and traditions, there is an increasing trend towards fusing different types of cuisine to create unique and innovative gastronomic delights.

Among these exciting culinary trends, Asian fusion cuisine - the merging of Asian and European flavours - has gained significant popularity in recent years. This delicious blend of West and East has captured the hearts of food lovers across the globe due to its remarkable harmony of flavours, aromas, and textures.

Here at Foodland, we provide the widest range of high-quality Asian foods for modern gastronomy to help you bring this innovative culinary trend to your own kitchen. By understanding the essential techniques and ingredients used in Asian fusion cuisine, you will be able to experiment with bold, exotic flavours, and create sophisticated and delectable dishes right from the comfort of your European home.

We will also offer an insight into the fundamentals of Asian fusion cooking, including essential ingredients, flavour combinations, culinary techniques, and presentation styles. In addition, we will delve into the fascinating history of Asian fusion cuisine and share stories of renowned chefs and their inspiring culinary journey that have contributed to the evolution of this unique culinary expression.

At Foodland, we believe that cooking should be a joyful and ever-evolving process, inviting both culinary exploration and cultural exchange. Through our blog's comprehensive recipe collection, we will inspire our readers to challenge their taste buds and creativity by embracing modern Asian fusion dishes.

Join us on this culinary journey as we taste, create, and share the magic of Asian-European fusion. Together, let's redefine the boundaries of gastronomy, one dish at a time.


Want to add some sizzling flavor to your favorite rice noodle dish? Look no further! In this magical meatless edition, we take your baked rice noodles to a whole new level with these savory vegetarian recipes.

Whether you're a die-hard carnivore looking to explore a plant-based diet or a seasoned vegetarian looking for new culinary adventures, these recipes are guaranteed to satisfy your taste buds and leave you wanting more.

From fiery fried tofu with chili garlic sauce to spicy peanut sesame noodles, we've got you covered. Not only are these recipes full of bold and savory flavors, but they're also incredibly easy to make, perfect for busy weeknight dinners. So grab an apron, prepare your taste buds and immerse yourself in a world of meatless magic that will amaze you and leave you hungry for more


illustrative image for the blog article Turmeric Tea 101: Everything You Need to Know About Brewing This Golden Elixir Welcome to the world of turmeric tea! If you are looking for a warm and soothing drink that not only tastes great, but also has countless health benefits, look no further. Turmeric tea, also known as "golden milk" or "turmeric latte", has been enjoyed in various cultures for centuries for its medicinal properties and lively taste.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about brewing and enjoying this golden elixir. We have information for you, from the origin of turmeric and its rich history to the science-based benefits it offers. Get ready to learn how to make the perfect cup of turmeric tea, explore its potential health benefits, and even learn some creative recipes to elevate your tea drinking experience. So grab your favorite mug, sit back and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of turmeric tea!


intro image for a blog article Asia is a diverse continent with a rich culture and thousands of different and delicious cuisines. Her vast culinary landscape ranges from fragrant Indian curries to the delicious noodle dishes of Thailand, the complex flavors of Chinese woks, fresh sushi and sashimi from Japan to the delicious street food of Vietnam.

Asian cuisine is exotic and delicious and incredibly easy to prepare with the right ingredients. And many Europeans are eager to get these tasty dishes on their table. For people living in Europe, it can be difficult to find fresh and authentic Asian ingredients locally. Significant differences in taste and cooking style and limited access to the necessary ingredients are frequent obstacles. That is why Foodland has made it its mission to source and provide the highest quality Asian food for modern gastronomy. Foodland's extensive range of products, including wholesale and retail Asian food, is aimed at the professional chef and home cook.



titulný obrázok pre článok Mastering Pho: A Comprehensive Guide to Eating Pho CorrectlyPho is a Vietnamese dish that has become increasingly popular worldwide. It is a delicious, hearty soup with rice noodles, herbs, and various meats and vegetables.

Knowing how to eat it properly can be intimidating if you are new to pho. However, you can enjoy this delicious dish like a pro with a few tips.


úvodný obrázok pre článok s názvom 8 najoblubenejsich indonezskych polievok,

Singaporean cuisine is renowned for its diverse and mouthwatering array of noodle dishes. From crab bee hoon to char kway teow, these hawker-style delicacies showcase the region's rich flavours and culinary traditions.

In this article, we will delve into some of the most popular Singaporean noodle dishes, exploring their unique ingredients, preparation methods, and cultural significance.


8 most popular Indonesian soups

Sushi is a popular Japanese dish that has become increasingly popular in Slovakia in recent years. This iconic cuisine is enjoyed by foodies across the world, and for good reason. Sushi is not only delicious but also healthy and versatile.

If you're new to this cuisine, you may feel overwhelmed by the different types of sushi and the etiquette that goes along with eating it. In this article, we’ll break down the basics of sushi to get you started.



Indonesian cuisine is renowned for its rich flavours, exotic spices and mouth-watering aromas. The country's culinary heritage is vast and varied, with influences from China, India, the Middle East and Europe. One of the best ways to experience the diverse flavours of Indonesia is through its soups. Indonesian soups come in various flavours and textures, from spicy and tangy to savoury and sweet. They are often made with fresh ingredients, aromatic herbs and spices, perfect for warming you up on a chilly day. Here are eight Indonesian soups that you must try.


The common features are unique tastes

Asia is a vast continent with diverse cultures, religions, and cuisines. The continent has five main regions: East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia.

Geography, climate, and cultural history influence each region's unique cuisine. In this article, we will explore the different types of Asian food, their similarities, and differences across the five regions of Asia.


Tips and tricks for cooking

Enter the world of new extraordinary taste adventures with the Sale on category!

If you're looking to discover new Asian flavors and save money at the same time, then this category is exactly what you're looking for. The sale offers you not only new products and exotic flavors, but also the opportunity to get your favorite products at a better price. In this article, we will take a closer look at the advantages and fascinating possibilities that the Sale category offers you.

Get ready for new taste experiences and responsible food shopping at the same time!



Tips and tricks for cooking

Asian cuisine is known for its vibrant flavours, rich textures, and diverse ingredients.

Meat dishes are an essential part of Asian cuisine, and there are a plethora of meat dishes that have gained popularity worldwide. These meat dishes are not just tasty but also provide a glimpse into the culture and traditions of the region:


Tipy a triky na varenie

Asian cuisine is a diverse and vibrant world, with each region boasting its own unique flavours, cooking styles, and culinary traditions. From the fragrant spices of India to the delicate flavours of Japan, Asian food offers a taste experience that is both exotic and comforting.

Today, we will explore some of the most popular Asian food techniques that have captured the hearts and taste buds of food lovers in the World


Kimchi is a traditional and widely-known Korean dish made of fermented vegetables such as cabbage, radish, or cucumber, mixed with spices and seasonings. This dish is not only delicious but also has numerous health benefits. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, and probiotics, which can help improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even prevent certain diseases. If you're looking for a way to spice up your meals, kimchi is a great option. It can be used in a variety of dishes, from stews and soups to sandwiches and salads. Here are some of the best kimchi combinations that will take your meal to the next level.



Tips and tricks for cooking

Asian cuisine is renowned for its vibrant colours, bold flavours, and unique ingredients.

Whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, cooking Asian dishes can seem daunting at first. However, with the right tips and tricks, you can make delicious and authentic Asian dishes with ease. Here are tips and tricks specific to Asian cooking that will help you elevate your culinary skills:



Čínske jedlá na stole

Sushi is a traditional Japanese dish that has become increasingly popular around the world. It is a healthy, delicious and visually appealing meal that can be enjoyed in many different forms.

Making sushi at home can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. There are several tips and tricks that both amateur cooks and professional chefs can use to make delicious and beautiful sushi.


In this article, we will explore some of the best practices for making sushi that will help you to create perfect rolls every time. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced sushi chef, these tips will help you to improve your skills and create mouth-watering sushi that will impress your friends and family.



Čínske jedlá na stole

Asian food has become increasingly popular in modern times. The diverse and flavorful cuisine has captivated the taste buds of people worldwide.

One of the most loved and versatile dishes in Asian cuisine is noodles. They are a staple food for most Asian cultures, for all the good reasons.

Noodles come in various forms and are made from different ingredients. They are also versatile and delicious and can be enjoyed in numerous ways. Frequently, they make up a dish, especially with soup. But which Asian noodle types should people know about? Here are some ideas.




Chinese food on the table

Thai cuisine is famous all over the world for its aromatic flavors and spicy dishes.

Thai noodle soups are among the most popular Thai dishes and are offered in different varieties. These soups are hearty, filling and delicious, making them perfect for a hearty meal.

In this blog, we will cover the 10 most famous Thai noodle soups that you can enjoy



Chinese food on the table

Are you tired of the same old meal routine and craving something new and exciting?

Look no further than your local Asian grocery store! With diverse ingredients, you can create deliciously simple recipes that keep your taste buds happy and full of nutrients.

This blog post will share four easy-to-make recipes. So, let's dive into the world of Asian flavours and whip up some scrumptious meals.



Čínske jedlá na stole

Asian cuisine has become increasingly popular in the United States and worldwide.

There is something for everyone, from classic Chinese to more modern Japanese dishes. But what makes Asian foods so unique and delicious? The answer is in the cooking methods.

Whether you are a novice or a master chef, understanding the different cooking methods for Asian cuisine is essential for creating delicious meals. You can easily make restaurant-quality dishes at home with the right ingredients and techniques. So, dive into Asian cooking methods and see what you can learn.



Čínske jedlá na stoleAuthentic Chinese cuisine is known for its complex flavours and a wide variety of ingredients.

While many of the ingredients are unfamiliar to western cooks, there are a few staples anyone can use to get started with Chinese cooking. Whether you’re looking to make a traditional dish or are just beginning to explore Chinese cuisine, these ingredients will give you the foundation you need to get started.  




Chinese food on the table What is Japchae?

Japchae is a traditional Korean dish made from glass noodles and various vegetables. It is one of the most popular dishes in Korean cuisine and is often served on special occasions such as weddings and holidays. Japchae is traditionally made with sweet potato noodles and is known for its bright flavors and colors. It is often served as a side dish, but can also be served as a main dish.




Chinese food on the table What is Bun Bo Nam Bo?

Bun Bo Nam Bo is a beloved dish in Vietnam that combines tender beef strips, rice noodles, fresh vegetables and herbs to create a flavorful and colorful dish. In this article, we'll provide an overview of the ingredients used in preparing Bun Bo Nam Bo, as well as some tips for cooking it perfectly.


spices and herbs - seven types of spices Cooking Chinese food

Cooking Chinese food can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only is it a tasty and healthy cuisine, but its preparation can also be quite simple. With a little knowledge and the right ingredients, you can create authentic Chinese dishes that will impress your family and friends. Here are 7 tips to help you get started cooking Chinese food:


Asian cuisine is a gateway to a captivating world of exotic flavors and aromas. If you've decided to immerse yourself in this culinary adventure, the online shop is your reliable guide to discovering authentic ingredients and recipes from Asia. In this blog, we'll introduce you to essential information about navigating Asian cuisine and how can assist you in creating fantastic dishes right in the comfort of your home. 1. Diversity of Asian Cuisine: What to Expect Asian cuisine encompasses various styles, each with its own characteristics and flavor combinations. At, you'll find ingredients from a wide range of Asian cuisines, including Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Korean, and more. Learn more about these styles and how to combine them to create excellent dishes in your own kitchen.  


What spices do we know?

There is a lot of talk about spices, without the right choice of spices it is difficult to cook good food. The quality of the food also has a lot to do with the quality of the ingredients and spices. But Did you know that spices that we use in our daily lives can affect our health?



Asian cuisine is as diverse as Herbs and spicesthe rest of the continent. Traditions, regional customs or the availability of the ingredients have an impact on food preparation.

However, Oriental cuisine is known for using large amounts of fresh herbs and spices such as coriander, lemon juice, galangal or wasabi.


Goji berry

Goji berry,

Chinese gooseberry, is a superfood that should not be missing in any household. They have known about the miraculous effects of goji in China for thousands of years. Regular consumption of goji helps to strengthen immunity, improve skin quality, help us lose weight and is said to even have the ability to prolong life! Let's take a closer look at what goji is, what its effects are and how to include these tiny red fruits in your daily diet.

What will you learn in the article?

  • What is goji
  • Uses and effects of goji
  • Goji as a superfood
  • 5 reasons to eat goji
  • How to include goji in the menu

Jujube (Ziziphus jujube)Jujube (Ziziphus jujube)

originated in China and has been cultivated for more than 4,000 years. It is also known by various names, such as Chinese dates, red dates, Indian woodpeckers, woodpeckers Korean and Tsao. Jujube fruit is also grown in North Africa, Russia, Southern Europe, Middle East and south-western part of the United States. When fully ripe, the fruit is fully red jujube contains high content of vitamin C. Healing properties of the fruit were discovered thousands of years ago by different cultures.

Fresh fruit jujube tastes a bit like apples. Usually, it consumed in the form of dried, powdered, tonic or tea.


Ako piť mlieko a aké

Milk is not like milk!

Milk is one of the healthiest foods, it is a source of calcium, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and proteins important for muscle movement, transmission of signals in the nervous system. Milk contains vitamins A, D, B12, B1 and selenium, which slows down the aging process and contributes to the protection of the immune system. Under this healthy drink, we automatically imagine cow's milk, and there are currently other types of milk on the market, such as goat, sheep, soy, almond, rice, oat or coconut, with a significant source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.


Chia semienka - Salvie Hispanica

Chia seeds (Salvia Hispanica)

contain a large amount of oil, which is an effective insecticide. This makes it easy to take care of without pesticides. However, it requires specific conditions to grow. The plant needs colder nights and hotter days. Chia seeds have no flavour, and therefore won't ruin any food with their inclusion. Ideally, you want to consume entire chia seeds, or they can be roasted and milled into powder. They are easier to mill after roasting due to their oil content. If added to food this way, the chia seeds gain a slight nutty flavour. The ancient Mayans added chia seeds to water and created a gel which was then flavoured with citrus (called chia fresca), or chewed them whole.


Cilantro, coriander a spice and vegeable

Cilantro, a spice, a vegetable ...

Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a plant with similar looks to that of parsley that grows up to 50 cm tall. It's used for its stalk as well as dry fruits, known as coriander seeds. It hails from the east Mediterranean as well as west Asia, but its use is widespread across the world. The best quality coriander comes from India. Its usages in both cuisine and medicine are documented for over 3000 years, including in Egypt and Greece. Hippocrates, the Greek "father of medicine" used coriander for medicinal purposes and the Romans spread its use across Europe.


Všetko o suši - japonské národné jedlo

Sushi (japanese: 寿司,鮨,鮓,すし) 

is a traditional Japanese food consisting of rice flavored with vinegar sauce and various raw or cooked ingredients.

The Japanese original meaning of the Japanese word sushi was light rice dish and this definition over time became more specific to mean a combination of vinegar flavored rice (japanese: 寿司飯,すしめし sushi meshi - sushi rice) with other ingredients(japanese literally: ねた neta - material).

The most known known ingredients to accompany the rice are raw fish such as salmon or tuna, fish roe, seafood such as shrimp, octopus, calamari or crab, as well as vegetables like cucumber, carrots, avocado, or even tofu, mushrooms or egg omelet.

Other than rice and fish or vegetables, a third ingredient is sometimes used, this being slices of the nori seaweed (japanese: 海苔,のり).

Sushi is also served with ginger, wasabi and soy sauce.

Small restaurants that specialize in sushi in Japan are called sushija (japanese: 寿司屋,寿司や).


Ingredints for spring roll - Vietnamese cuisine

Rice paper / rice wafers

Bánh tráng or bánh đa nem, a Vietnamese term, sometimes called rice paper wrappers, rice crepes, rice wafers or nem wrappers, are edible Vietnamese wrappers used in Vietnamese cuisine, especially in dishes and appetizers such as Vietnamese dishes nem cuốn, nem rán, bánh đa ...



Miso paste and miso soup

Shoyu, Tamari and Miso

Recently, there's been a lot of talk about Shoyu , Tamari and Miso, not just the spices used to cook them but also their miracle medicine that has beneficial effects on our body.

Shoyu along with Tamari belongs to the two traditional asian soy sauces. It is created by the process of fermentation known for hundreds of years, of a mixture of soy beans, roasted wheat, water, and a fermentation catalyst (Aspergillus Oryzae).It goes through a long process of natural fermentation, during which the less easily digestible materials like starch, proteins, and fat turn into more easily digestible amino acids, simple sugars, and fatty acids, while still keeping all the nutrients that are beneficial to our body in the process.


Mungo and azuki bean

Mungo and azuki

Golden Vigna is a plant from which teats are obtained and then fruits (mung beans), suitable for consumption. The legume mung beans have a dark green color and are about the size of peas. The golden vigna plant is a thermophilic plant that grows to a length of about one meter. This plant is creepy, like ordinary beans. The teat, in which the mung beans are hidden, grows to a length of about 10 - 15 centimeters. The active ingredients that mung beans contain are highly beneficial to the whole body from a health point of view

Mung beans - Golden Vigna (lat. Vigna Radiatta) - legume family

Azuki beans - (lat. Vigna Angulariss) - legume family


Sriracha's famous "rooster" chilli sauce

Already we can not imagine neither Asian bistros or restaurants without this famous sauce in the end there are a lot of knockoffs with a similar taste but there are only a few people who know the origins and creator of this now-legendary brand.




Great sushi starts with great rice. When choosing sushi rice, it is important to consider several factors that will affect the quality and taste of your sushi.

Remember that quality sushi rice is the basis for creating delicious and authentic sushi, so try to choose the best possible choice according to your preferences and availability.

Here are some things you should focus on:


Ako používať paličky


are a traditional eating utensil of East Asia, originating in China, Japan, Vietnam, Korea and partially Thailand (where they are used to eat noodle soup).

They are usually made of wood, bamboo, metal, bones and nowadays also from plastic. Silver chopsticks were apparently used in China to reveal poisoned food. If poison was present in the food, the chopsticks would turn black due to a chemical reaction.

Asian restaurants and bistros in Slovakia have become very popular, however they usually offer western cutlery to eat with. Many people say that eating the food with authentic Chinese chopsticks gives it a different feel and taste. However, this can be a difficult task.


9 zdravotných výhod konzumácie zázvora 9 health benefits of ginger consumption

Petra Kopecká

Ginger is one of the healthiest and most delicious spices in the world. It comes from China and is literally full of nutrients and bioactive components that have an amazing effect on our body and brain.


Liečivá sila potravín podľa 5 elementov

Healing power of food according to 5 elements

Determining imbalances in the body based on the 5 elements comes from traditional Chinese medicine. It is a step forward in characterizing the uniqueness of a person on the basis of internal organs, individual parts of the body and his emotions in accordance with the environment.

The fact that we are on the right path is reflected in our every activity. We will manage any activity more easily and efficiently, we will be full of energy and love for life, which will subsequently be reflected in our appearance. People who live this way look 10 to 20 years younger, are more efficient and happier than their peers. And this is the power of the healing power of food according to the 5 elements.


Kokosový orech, 101 účinkov kokosu na zdravie Coconut oil

is one of the few foods that can be classified as a "superfood". Its unique combination of fatty acids has a positive effect on your health. Coconut oil is obtained by pressing or extracting the pulp of ripe coconuts collected from the coconut palm at a melting temperature of 23 to 26 degrees.

Coconut oil has won a leading position in the world of active living people who are more and more interested in their health. See 101 effects of this white miracle!


Basmati  rice,

particularly wholegrain Basmati rice can and should be a regular addition to the diets of people who suffer from diabetes. Basmati rice is a naturally low energy food but as with all carbohydrate foods, it’s the portion size that is important: an average serving of boiled rice is 150-180g providing 207-248 calories; a small serving (100g) provides approximately 138 calories. By contrast a typical takeaway portion of fried rice is 300g providing 558 calories, so it’s important not to assume all rice types are the same. Wholegrain Basmati rice has the lowest GI (glycemic index) of all rice types, which means once digested it releases its energy slowly keeping blood sugar levels more stable, which is a crucial part of diabetes management.


Zeleny caj v šálke a sypaný zeleny čaj

Green tea and health

What effects does green tea have on our health? The positive effects of green tea are well known but most just sum it up with "it's good for us". How does it really help us? How can we use it to improve our health? This article will detail the most important effects of green tea on our body.


Liečebné účinky čili papričky

Chilli peppers

are a common and often favourite part of our menu. Not many people know the full extent of benefits on the human body and our health. Capsaicin, the chemical found inside the peppers is not just a source of spice, but it has some health benefits:


Udon ( )

Udon are thick Japanese noodles made of wheat flour. They are thicker than soba noodles, white and chewier. Udon is widely available at restaurants across Japan and prepared in various hot and cold dishes.

Popular Udon Dishes

Below is a list of udon dishes that tourists will commonly find at restaurants across Japan. Note that there are some regional differences in terms of naming and seasoning.


Vietnamese coffee is different

Vietnamese coffee is different and the method of preparation is also different

The true, authentic Vietnamese coffee is prepared using the so-called "Phin" filter. We use sweet condensed milk as well, which only empowers the experience of the coffee. In the hot Vietnamese climate, they often use ice to create a refreshingly cool iced coffee.



Ryža - Dokonalá obilina

If you don't like rice, you may not have eaten it properly or you may have used the wrong type when cooking a particular meal.

The most valuable component of tiny grains are complex carbohydrates, from which up to 85 percent of energy comes. At the same time, rice has a low glycemic index (GI), which means that it does not disturb blood sugar levels. Naturally, it is exactly half on a scale of 0 to 100, white has a GI of 64. In addition, rice is rich in B vitamins and minerals and trace elements, especially phosphorus, potassium and iron.

It contains more high-quality plant proteins than wheat and does not contain gluten or fat, so you can eat it for celiac disease and cholesterol problems. Paddy rice has more nutrients than husked and milled rice and is high in fiber and antioxidants, which protect against colon, breast and prostate cancer.


What soy sauces do you know?

Not all soy sauces are created equal. There are different types of soy sauce and here you can learn all about them and how to use them.


Cukry, sacharidySaccharides

Saccharides or carbohydrates are not paid as much attention to as proteins and fats. Often called simply sugars, and often times our bodies are given saccharides at the wrong time from the wrong sources.

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